Tuesday 25 October 2011

Motherhood feeling !!!!!!!

BEING A mother is the most beautiful emotion in the world. It is something that has to be felt. No matter how hard you try, you can never describe it in words. The bond between a mother and her child is the most beautiful and strongest bond. It makes you the happiest person in the world. But it also comes with its share of responsibilities.
Life changes completely when you have a baby. You might have been the most fearless and confident person, someone who is always ready to take a risk but suddenly you are scared and nervous about almost everything. You are never sure if everything you are doing is enough or is it all right. You are nervous all the time, what if you did something wrong? You become your biggest critic.
Finally you realise that joy doesn’t come from material things. You might spend thousands of rupees to buy something for yourself but one smile from your baby will make you the happiest person on the earth. There’s something divine about a baby’s smile. It makes all you worries vanish away. No matter how low you are feeling, one smile and your spirits are high again. Your baby’s smile becomes the best thing in your life. Moreover you would rather buy a toy for your baby then something you have been dying for.
Suddenly you find an inner strength in yourself that you never thought you had. All the sleep less nights don’t seem like a sacrifice any more. Those are a part of your routine now. Even if you could not manage to sleep at night, you still have the energy and strength to look after your baby and his needs through out the day. You may crib about not being able to give time to yourself or about not being able to sleep well but still you love every minute of it and won’t trade it for anything in the world. You want to make the world a better place for your baby. You want to protect your baby from all the evil things. You are ready to fight against all the odds to make your baby happy.
The moment you become a mother, you start respecting your mother even more. All the things she did for you now seem so huge. You start wondering if you can ever repay her for the sacrifices she made for you. I myself think about this everyday. I always say that my mom is the best mom in the world but have I done enough for her? Will I be as good a mother as she is? I think this is something every girl will ask herself when she becomes a mother. It makes you realise how much your mom loves you and what she really means to you. It’s only then that you realise that the bond between a mother and child is the most unbreakable bond in the world. Nobody can come between a mother and her child. A child becomes his mothers universe and vice versa.

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