Tuesday 28 June 2011

Miracle happened in my life

Meaning of miracle:
Miracle is an event attributed to divine intervention. A miracle is sometimes thought of as a perceptible interruption of the laws of nature. Others suggest that GOD may work with the laws of nature to perform what people perceive as miracles.
A miracle is often considered as fortuitous event: compare with an ACT OF GOD.

I am blessed in all the ways by the grace of GOD.  After months of marriage I conceived but being ill-fated I had a miscarriage. Then after about couple of months I conceived again, but the fate wasn’t in my favour, I had another miscarriage just like that without a reason. I was so careful but yet it I was left empty.
I went through depression and mentally disturbed. I thought I won’t be a mother or gifted to be a mother. It was an agony pain that I went through, I had the support from my husband which he endless showed me. He gave me the encouragement and loves to fight the battle. My mom, a spiritual lady, start to pray for me, and used to give boost me with encouragement words. For me to overcome this, my husband brought me for a holiday in cruise. I went to St.Anne’s church in Penang, I poured all my aches to her.  My husband and mom will always say that the time is not right for you. You will have to wait. For me overcome my wretchedness, I was looking after my sister daughter Jacqueline aged 2+now. I was occupied by her, seeing her smile, feeling her touch, hearing her baby speech made me feel comfortable but there was sadness in me. Jacqueline was a like a gift from god for me and my husband. She captured the highest place in our heart. She is like the lucky gem in our life.

I kept faithful in my prayers, today, as a proud lady and mother to be for a child in 2 months time. The feeling I went through was something extract ordinary which I can’t describe. I realized that this angel is a gift from GOD for me and my husband. I felt something in my body and it will soon become my baby. Each time whenever I hold my tummy, I say a heartfelt thanks to god. Both I and my husband is excited over the coming of our child!!!

I have realized that, if you are faithful and sincere to your prayers, GOD’s is somewhere listening to your prayers and HE will surely grant you the will. I am seeing things happening in my life. There are many other things that are taking place in GOD’S time and his will. Keep to your prayers!!
 He will grant you in HIS time!!! Never lose your faith!!!

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