Friday 2 December 2011


Here are few tips to increase your chances on making the right impression
Ø  Come Prepared Know yourself-your strengths, weaknesses and accomplishments. An interview is not the time to wing it
Ø  Research the Company Find out as much as you can about the company through annual reports, newspapers, website etc. Your study will show in the interview, and you’ll be seen as proactive, hardworking and astute.try to know about organization culture, working hours, targets and KRA’s for the job vacancy.
Ø   Be Well Dressed and Groomed Appearance is a critical evolution component, first impression makes a big difference

Tuesday 22 November 2011

The 25 Worst Passwords on the Internet

If you’re trying to protect your email or your bank account online, the dumbest password you can use is … “password.” This is according to SplashData, a California software firm that happens, among other things, to sell an app that helps you manage your passwords.

The list is one of those things that’s fun to poke through, but security people remind us that we’re more vulnerable online than we like to think, and sometimes we make it easy for the bad guys. Take a look, and if you use one of these, SplashData says it’s probably a good idea to change it.

1. password
2. 123456
4. qwerty
5. abc123
6. monkey
7. 1234567
8. letmein
9. trustno1
10. dragon
11. baseball
12. 111111
13. iloveyou
14. master
15. sunshine
16. ashley
17. bailey
18. passwOrd (The “O” is a zero here)
19. shadow
20. 123123
21. 654321
22. superman
23. qazwsx
24. michael
25. football

We’ve seen things like this before; back in June, a New York app developer named Daniel Amitay found that of the 10,000 possible numeric pass codes on the iPhone, there were just 10 that represented 15 percent of all the codes he found to be in use. Like the list above, it was predictable: 1234 was the runaway leader, followed by 0000, 2580 (the center column on any phone keypad), 1111, 5555 and so forth.

SplashData offers basic advice: Don’t be so predictable.

–Mix up the characters in a password — use letters, numbers and special characters.

–Longer passwords are better passwords. Try eight characters or more, perhaps two words separated by an underscore or a space.

–Don’t use one password for everything. If someone hacks your Facebook account, your bank account may be next.

To remember them all, they say, an online password manager may be useful. Or you may prefer a scrap of paper in your wallet.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

5 Mistakes You're Making With Your Scrambled Eggs

Don't be wimpy with your eggs. Whisk well and be vigorous about it--you want to add air and volume for fluffy eggs. And whisk the eggs right before adding to pan; don't whisk and let mixture sit (it deflates).

Don't add milk, cream, or water to the eggs. People think it will keep the eggs creamy while cooking, but in fact, the eggs and added liquid will separate during the cooking process creating wet, overcooked eggs. Stir in some creme fraiche after the eggs are off the heat if you want them creamy.

Don't use high heat. It's all about patience to achieve the soft curd. Whether you want small curd (stirring often) or large curd (stirring less), you need to scramble eggs over medium-low heat, pulling the pan off the heat if it gets too hot, until they set to desired doneness

Don't overcook them! Take them off the heat a little while before you think they are done. The carryover heat will keep cooking them for a minute or so. Also: Use a cast-iron or a nonstick skillet. If you don't, there will be a rotten clean-up job in your future

And last but not least, ditch that fork! Scramble your eggs with a heat-proof spatula, a flat-topped wooden spoon, or for the perfect curd, chopsticks.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Motherhood feeling !!!!!!!

BEING A mother is the most beautiful emotion in the world. It is something that has to be felt. No matter how hard you try, you can never describe it in words. The bond between a mother and her child is the most beautiful and strongest bond. It makes you the happiest person in the world. But it also comes with its share of responsibilities.
Life changes completely when you have a baby. You might have been the most fearless and confident person, someone who is always ready to take a risk but suddenly you are scared and nervous about almost everything. You are never sure if everything you are doing is enough or is it all right. You are nervous all the time, what if you did something wrong? You become your biggest critic.
Finally you realise that joy doesn’t come from material things. You might spend thousands of rupees to buy something for yourself but one smile from your baby will make you the happiest person on the earth. There’s something divine about a baby’s smile. It makes all you worries vanish away. No matter how low you are feeling, one smile and your spirits are high again. Your baby’s smile becomes the best thing in your life. Moreover you would rather buy a toy for your baby then something you have been dying for.
Suddenly you find an inner strength in yourself that you never thought you had. All the sleep less nights don’t seem like a sacrifice any more. Those are a part of your routine now. Even if you could not manage to sleep at night, you still have the energy and strength to look after your baby and his needs through out the day. You may crib about not being able to give time to yourself or about not being able to sleep well but still you love every minute of it and won’t trade it for anything in the world. You want to make the world a better place for your baby. You want to protect your baby from all the evil things. You are ready to fight against all the odds to make your baby happy.
The moment you become a mother, you start respecting your mother even more. All the things she did for you now seem so huge. You start wondering if you can ever repay her for the sacrifices she made for you. I myself think about this everyday. I always say that my mom is the best mom in the world but have I done enough for her? Will I be as good a mother as she is? I think this is something every girl will ask herself when she becomes a mother. It makes you realise how much your mom loves you and what she really means to you. It’s only then that you realise that the bond between a mother and child is the most unbreakable bond in the world. Nobody can come between a mother and her child. A child becomes his mothers universe and vice versa.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

8 Things You Should Never Say to Your Husband!!!!

One of the best parts about marriage is being so comfortable with your hubby that you can say just about anything to him. But if you don’t watch your mouth, sometimes the ugly truth comes out in hurtful—not helpful––ways. Though you may have legitimate concerns to express or issues to bring up, doing so in a harsh manner can be damaging in the long term, to both your husband’s feelings and your relationship. According to Judy Ford, psychotherapist and author of Every Day Love, “Speaking kindly is a skill that couples have to learn. Everyone feels battered by life and the outside world. You shouldn’t feel that way at home.” Here, nine statements that you should never utter to your significant other––and the words that you should try instead.

1. “You’re just like your father.
“This is just a no-no,” says Julie Orlov, psychotherapist, speaker and author of The Pathway to Love. “It’s nasty and belittling, and it gets at his fear that he may be exhibiting the worst traits of his family.” If you’re about to spout a criticism like this, stop and think about what’s behind it: Maybe your father-in-law is the kind of guy who never cleans up after himself, and your husband’s habit of leaving dirty dishes around the house is getting to you. According to Ford, you should skip the insult and get right to a reasonable request, such as: “Hon, when you’re done with your sandwich, can you bring your dish over to the sink?” That way, you can achieve your goals without hurting him in the process. 

2. “When are you going to find a new job?”
First, figure out why you want him to find a new job so badly. Do you dislike how much time he spends away from home? Do you think he can or should be further ahead career-wise? Is he not bringing home a healthy-enough salary? “Before you say anything that could be hurtful to him, think about what your own issues are,” says Ford. Be particularly careful that you're not attacking his ability to support you and the kids: “Part of how a man evaluates himself is by how well he can take care of his family,” says Ford, so insulting him in this sensitive area can be a serious blow. To avoid this, have regular talks about both of your jobs, career ambitions and budget concerns. If you have an issue with how much money he’s making, “it’s an opportunity to talk about your lifestyle and how you want to live,” she adds. The aim is to avoid putting him on the defensive, and instead work together to create the life you both want. 
3. “My mother warned me you’d do this!”
Something must have seriously infuriated you, because what you’re doing here is letting him know that there are others in your “camp.” “You are trying to validate your ‘side’ of an argument, as though you’re marshalling an army to your side,” says Orlov. But that’s never a good idea because it’s telling him that you’re not onhis side, or on the side of your relationship. Though you should never let the opinions of others’ dictate your relationship, if there is some kernel of truth to a concern that your mother raised, think about how to address that. “Maybe your mother said ‘he’s too cheap,’” says Orlov. “Say to him, ‘why do you sometimes seem reluctant to spend money on things we need?’” Without ganging up on him, that could open up a discussion about money worries that stem from his childhood, for example. “Room is now cleared for creative problem-solving,” says Orlov. And if you’re just lashing out? Hold your tongue and focus on the root of what’s making you mad. In the end, coming to a solution together will make you feel better than unleashing hurtful words. 
4. “Just leave it––I’ll do it myself!
This is hurtful in two ways. First, it gets at your husband’s elemental need to be a provider, supporter and capable person in the house. Second, it’s just plain demeaning for any adult to hear that his efforts are sub-par. Do this too often and your husband might think, “I can never do anything right or anything that’ll please her,” says Ford. A better choice is to pick your battles. If he’s in the middle of a task and you think that he’s doing it wrong, evaluate whether it really matters, keeping in mind that, just because he’s doing something differently than you would doesn’t mean that he’s doing it wrong—he is, after all, an adult too. Sure, if he’s about to hurt himself or someone else or break something, kindly step in. But if he’s just loading the dishwasher in a way that drives you nuts? Let it be. 

5. “You always... [fill in the blank]” or “You never... [fill in the blank]”
“These are two phrases I advise couples never to use,” says Ford, “because they set up an instant, negative tone; they halt communication and they put the other person on the defensive.” These blanket statements can make your husband feel unfairly attacked, and chances are he’ll just fire back with all the times he did help. If there are legitimate problems you’d like to address (he really does tend to leave his tools all over the garage floor or often forgets to put gas in the car after driving it), avoid generalizing and try to focus on the issue at hand while also communicating how his actions make you feel: “When you come home with an empty tank of gas, I feel like you don't care about the next person who has to drive the car—which is usually me.” Then add the phrase “would you be willing...,” suggests Ford. Try: “Would you be willing to fill up the car when it gets below a quarter tank?” Most men are willing to do most anything that’ll make you happy––it’s all in how you ask. 

6. “Do you really think those pants are flattering?”
Are you trying to hint that he’s putting on weight? Because saying the above, says Ford, is not getting anything concrete across. You may think that you’re subtly conveying the message, but instead you’re insulting his looks without showing any genuine concern for his health. Instead, start with something you like about how he looks: “When you wear that blue shirt, it really makes me appreciate your gorgeous blue eyes.” Then broach the topic of his weight gain by framing the comment so it’s about his health, not looks: “Honey, what do you think about us both starting after-dinner walks?” When you’ve softened up your approach, you have more room to make other, helpful suggestions. 
7. “Ugh, we’re hanging out with him again?
There’s nothing wrong with your guy having a friend whose company you don’t love—no one says spouses are required to adore each other’s friends, especially that one college pal who likes to pretend he and your hubby never left the frat house. What is wrong is insulting your man’s choice of friends. Your disdain may also suggest that you’d prefer to pick his friends for him—and no one wants to be told who they should be pals with. A better choice: “Oh, honey, you know I don’t always enjoy doing the same things as you and George, so why don’t you plan a guys’ night instead?’” suggests Ford. Remember, there’s no marriage rule that says you two have to do everything together; he might actually be relieved to have a little guy time with his pal that doesn't involve him having to worry if you’re having fun or are offended by his friend’s jokes. (And keep this in mind: If a friend is really awful, your husband is much more likely to see that on his own, over time, whereas if you nag him to drop the dolt it may never happen.) 

8. “Please watch the kids. But don’t do this, take them here or forget that...”
This is a classic nervous-new-mom move: When you’re in anxiety mode, it can be hard to let go of childcare tasks (even though you would love to have more help). It’s also an attitude that can become a habit no matter how long you’ve been a mom, leading to some very unhealthy feelings: You may become resentful because he doesn’t pitch in, but you don’t always give him room to, either. At the end of the day, no husband is going to be inspired to be a better, more hands-on and involved dad if his every effort is shot down, says Orlov. “If he always feels like he’s wrong, he’ll only start to disconnect emotionally.” So let Dad be Dad. Trust that he knows as well as you do how to keep a child clean, safe and fed—even if his definitions of those tasks are slightly different than your own. That said, if there are things he needs to know, like how to use the stroller or what the pediatrician’s phone number is, definitely give him the rundown. 

Five Android smartphones you should avoid buying

Not all Android smartphones are created equal. Unlike the iPhone, which is generally updated by Apple once a year, there are literally dozens of smartphone models on the market powered by Google’s mobile operating software.
While there are a handful of fan favorites like the Nexus S 4G and Motorola Atrix, there are also plenty of dogs that suffer from poor performance issues, weak batteries, and stupidly unnecessary features. Based on input from our readers, personal experience and poor reviews, we detail here five Android phones you should avoid buying.


Huawei m835 Ideos

Sometimes you get what you pay for, which is the case with this Metro PCS-branded Android smartphone. While we love the fact that Android phones can now be purchased without a contract for less than $100, the tiny screen size, spotty performance and poor battery life of the Huawei Ideos makes it an inferior device than even most feature phones. The appeal of its compact dimensions (4.1 inches tall and 2.2 inches wide) are overshadowed by a 2.8-inch touchscreen that makes typing and navigating through websites and applications awkward at best. This problem is amplified when you consider that most prospective users of this “starter Android phone” haven’t owned a smartphone before. There are certainly smarter ways to try out an Android.


Releasing a phone based on state-of-the-art navigation technology was a good idea at first. But Garmin’s first (and only) entry into the crowded Android device market suffered from poor sales and a generally directionless marketing approach. The idea was to bring Garmin’s expertise at GPS satellite navigation into a smartphone. The trouble is, most regular Android smartphones include Google Maps already installed. For the vast majority of consumers, that app and the hundreds of other navigation-oriented Android apps produced by independent developers is all that will ever be needed. While there is no denying that the Garminfone works well as a standalone GPS device, for those wanting a true Android smartphone experience, it certainly doesn’t cut the mustard. As Google Maps now works offline too, which was one of the Garminfone’s original advantages, the device is becoming even more obsolete.


Dell Streak

Is it a phone? Is it a tablet? The Dell Streak somehow combines the worst qualities of each. What’s the point of having a portable device that places phone calls but doesn’t comfortably fit in your pocket? In terms of computing, the comparatively small Dell Streak is clearly inferior to the iPad and other tablet offerings. But don’t just take our word for it. Wall Street Journal tech guru Walt Mossberg listed the Streak as one of the worst devices he reviewed in 2010. Android software updates to the Streak have made it a more usable device than when Mossberg published his original review. However, not even the most advanced mobile operating system in the world can make up for the Streak’s clumsy form factor.


Motorola Citrus

Verizon subscribers have a serious beef with the Motorola Citrus, which has an average two-and-a-half star rating (out of five) based on 392 reviews. Among its drawbacks are a slow web browser that is difficult to read text on because of the small screen size. Many users complain about constantly having to manipulate the screen size in order to read text. The Citrus is also known to revert to Airplane Mode by itself and freeze without warning. For search and navigation, the Citrus pushes users to pre-installed Bing applications rather than providing easy access to Google and other applications. While it is common for smartphones to include this kind of "bloatware" upon purchase, for tasks as essential as search and navigation users should be free to make their own choices. There may be worse Android smartphones available, but Verizon subscribers who insist on buying a Motorola phone are better off paying for the superior Droid models. The Citrus is free to purchase with a two-year contract and readily available. But you’re still going to pay thousands of dollars for the duration of your deal, so it’s better to pony up earlier for a superior phone and let this lemon spoil.


HTC Thunderbolt

OK, before you start with the angry emails for including this one, hear us out. The Thunderbolt is a great device with plenty of power. It has been well reviewed, sold well, and offers the advantage of blazing-fast connectivity on Verizon’s 4G network. But -- and we’re certainly not the only ones to point this out -- the Thunderbolt has been beset with quirks and problems since its launch. Randy Arrowood, from enthusiast blog Android Headlines, even went so far as to put it at number one in his Top 10 Android Phone Letdowns of 2011. Arrowood cited issues when transferring from a 4G to 3G network, constant restarts, and the most common issue of all: horrendous battery life. For sure, the Thunderbolt (and many others like it) are great devices with loads of style and power. But if you need an extra battery just to see you through the afternoon, or can’t use the phone to its utmost potential because of a lack of juice, then what’s the point of having all those features?

Sunday 17 July 2011

How to maintain your belly !!!

1.     Pros share their top sleep-stomach tips :

Don't even think about sucking it in so you'll fit into those cute, fitted white jeans: There are less-painful and longer-lasting ways to get the amazing middle you crave. We went straight to experts to get their very best advice for quickly shrinking your tummy. Here are the surprising foods, tricks, and moves they swear by. Their genius tips will help you shed inches and pounds, banish the bloat, and feel even more gorgeous. Hello, skinny jeans!

2.     Eat at this magic hour

"You must eat a snack that contains protein between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. Go for a protein bar, a piece of low-fat cheese,  or some almonds with an organic apple.
No matter what, do not miss that snack. It's important because it boosts metabolism and balances blood sugar. The lower you keep your blood sugar, the lower you keep your insulin, and insulin makes you store fat around your middle. Eating every three to four hours will keep your blood sugar even, but many people tend to go five or six hours between lunch and dinner without eating."
–Natasha Turner, naturopathic doctor, author of The Hormone Diet
3.     Have a Ball
"My No. 1 tip: Do the ball exchange three times a week. Lay flat on your back with your arms above your head and legs straight out. Start with a stability ball above your head in your hands. Bring the ball up above your chest as you bring your legs up to meet the ball and place it between your ankles. Bring the ball back down to the floor with your legs and straighten your arms back out over your head.
Repeat the ball exchange 10 to 12 times, remembering to keep your lower back pressed into the floor as you do this move. 
4.     Beef up on this belly-zapping hormone

"Eat as close to zero grams of sugar as possible. This will keep insulin levels low and also keep levels of glucagon high. Glucagon, a hormone, is the best friend you could ever have in the struggle for a flat belly! Picture Ms. Pac-Man traveling around your waistline, gobbling up fat to be used as energy. That is glucagon.
The closer to zero grams of sugar you consume, the lower your insulin and the higher your's as simple as that."
5.     Chew on this
"Chewing is the No. 1 tip I give to prevent bloating. Chew food until it is like applesauce in your mouth. Digestion begins in the mouth, and without proper chewing, food is not well-digested. Better-digested food means less gas and bloating."
–Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, author of The Flexitarian Diet
6.     Put crunches last on you flat-belly list ( for real)
"I recommend the DCBA approach: Diet first, Cardio second, Building muscle third, and Abs exercises last. Follow it and you can safely lose one to two pounds a week. Spend 60 minutes a day preparing healthier meals. Spend 20 minutes a day three to five times weekly doing cardio. Spend 15 minutes a day three times a week strength training. Finally, spend 5 minutes a day three times a week doing abs exercises."
–Myatt Murphy, author of The Body You Want in the Time You Have
 7.     Shake on the sea salt
"The culprit making your tummy bloat? It could be the salt in your diet. Use natural sea salt or kosher salt, which is lower in sodium teaspoon for teaspoon than traditional table salts. And stay away from soy sauce: Even low-sodium soy sauce is still high in sodium and will cause practically instant bloating.
Instead, flavor your food with a little fresh tomato salsa or a hint of cayenne pepper, which has an added benefit of boosting metabolism."
–Susan Irby, "The Bikini Chef" and author of Substitute Yourself Skinny
 8.     Punch it out and lose 2 inches fast
"Add boxing to your cardio routine. When you throw punches with weights or at a fast pace, you're working your core in a way that helps to flatten your midsection. You must engage your core to throw punches, and twisting your torso works all the ab muscles.
Boxing also gives you a cardio workout that burns extra calories. Add 16 minutes of boxing three times a week to your regular cardio routine (30 minutes at high intensity four to five times a week), and you can lose up to 2 inches from your waist in four weeks. Simply throw punches while holding 1- or 2-pound weights for 8 minutes, alternating arms, then repeat without weights at a faster pace for 8 more minutes."
–Michael Olajide Jr. and Leila Fazel, co-founders of Aerospace High Performance Center in New York City
9.     Try the fat-belly cheat
"Play up a different body part to draw attention from your middle.
If it's your legs, wear skirts or slim pants. Shoulders—bare them even if just a bit with a boatneck or sweetheart neckline. Cleavage? Make sure your bra does its job. If your bra rides up in the back, the bra has likely stretched out. If it accentuates back flab or if the space between the cups doesn't lie flat, go up a size."
–Kim Johnson Gross, style expert and author of What to Wear for the Rest of Your Life 
10. Size matters
"Eating portion-controlled meals that include whole-grain foods and monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) throughout the day is the best way to eat for a flat belly: People who eat whole grains lose more abdominal fat. And making most of the fats you eat MUFAs reduces ab flab, research says."
–Keri Glassman, RD, author of The O2 Diet and The Snack Factor Diet
11. The ultimate flat-belly menu.
Best breakfast: A slice of whole-wheat bread with natural peanut butter and 1 cup of your favorite berries.
Best lunch: Spinach salad with sliced avocado, grilled firm tofu, and cherry tomatoes, drizzled with a little olive oil and fresh lemon juice.
Best dinner: Grilled salmon, a roasted sweet potato, and sautéed asparagus with olive oil and garlic.
Best snack: A cup of fat-free yogurt with 2 tablespoons sunflower seed
12. Laugh it up!
"The best thing for your abs is laughing. Every time you laugh it strengthens your abs. There are even laughing yoga classes (Go to Laughter Yoga to find a class near you). If you start busting a gust, you are absolutely toning your abs."
–Kristin McGee, Pilates expert

Thursday 7 July 2011

Ten side dishes should be avoid

  • ·         Boston Market Sweet Potato Casserole
  •        Ruby Tuesday’s Loaded Baked Potato
  • ·         Onion Rings
  • ·         Arby’s Mozzarella Sticks
  • ·         TGI Friday’s Loaded Mashed Potatoes
  • ·         Dairy Queen Chili Cheese Fries
  • ·         A&W Cheese Curds (Large)
  • ·         Cheesecake Factory Macaroni & Cheese
  • ·         Baja Fresh Chips and Guacamole
  • ·         Five Guys Fries (Large)

Thursday 30 June 2011

Own your T-TAB PC in affordable price!!!!!!


T-Tablet is an innovator tablet featuring 7”inch touchable screen with Wi-Fi and 3G Sim Card Slot with front facing camera allows you for video chatting with friends and family. 
T-Tablet is amazing compatibility and user – friendly device.   It makes you feel more comfortable in your hands and makes surfing the web, checking email, uploading your picture in FB, Twitter, and watching movies and reading books natural, you might forget there’s incredible technology under your fingers.  
The T-Tablet brings you the media you connected with anyone, anytime. This device is compact and light, you can keep in touch with people and content through 3G connectivity, Wi-Fi with a battery stand up to seven hours. 
T-Tab features Android 2.1 (Éclair) platforms. This brings you great performance in browsing website. Fully integrated with service like GOOGLE MAPS and YouTube, you can search, view and easily download any of tens thousands of cool application available on Android Market for FREE. You can even update the version to the latest by checking our forum for the updates! 
This technology device is at its best it feels completely innate, almost like there’s no technology at all. T-Tablet is a Single – Touch. You use your finger as a mouse to do everything such as surfing the web, typing email, reading books, swiping through photos and much more to play with. 
Early birds will receive a free 4 GB Mirco SD card or pendrive!!!!!! Grab now!!!
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Tuesday 28 June 2011

Natural Remedies for dandruff control

  • Before washing your hair, rub aloe vera gel into your scalp. Leave it on for 10 minutes, and shampoo your hair as usual. Stinky and yucky but it works!
  • Soak 2 tablespoons of fenugreek (methi) seeds in water overnight. In the morning grind it into a fine paste. Apply to the scalp and leave for an hour. Wash with the mild shampoo mentioned in the next tip. Smells bad but I got pretty, manageable hair for almost a week and then, BANG, back came my dandruff.
  • Soak ripened fruits of soapnut (reetha) in hot water for 10-15 minutes and then crush with hand in the same water. Use this water daily as a shampoo after applying any of the dandruff packs mentioned. Good results.
  • Mix 6 spoonfuls water, a spoonful of lemon juice, half a teaspoon of salt and two spoonfuls of pure vinegar. Apply on the scalp with cotton wool. After shampooing, rinse again with vinegar water. Continue this for three months. This one I personally use. It stings but believe me, IT WORKS!!
  • Mix a handful of gram powder (chickpea flour) with a cup of curd and an egg to form a thick paste. Apply the paste to the hair and scalp and leave for an hour. This one gave a beautiful soft gloss to my curls. But if you don’t wash well, watch out for the stink!
  • Henna mixed with old curds and lemon juice is also extremely effective in controlling dandruff. Make the paste a day before and keep on for at least two hours. Lovely burgundy highlights and dandruff-free hair guaranteed.