Monday 3 December 2012

A thought of sharing on some rare morning sickness during pregnancy

"Hyperemesis gravidarum" sounds ominous, but it's actually a straightforward condition. Hyper is the Greek root for "excessive," emesis means "vomiting" and gravida means "pregnant."

Morning sickness is thought to be triggered by the rapid release of a hormone called HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is released by the placenta. The cause of hyperemesis gravidarum is unknown, although the National Institutes of Health (NIH) says expecting twins can increase the odds a woman will suffer from this condition.

According to the NIH, it’s common for women to experience nausea and/or vomiting early in their pregnancy. Most find success treating these with time-honored tricks like snacking on saltine crackers and other dry foods before getting out of bed, sipping ginger ale throughout the day, or eating several small meals during the day instead of two or three large ones. Avoiding foods that trigger a bout of nausea also helps.

A few lucky expectant moms escape the early days and weeks of pregnancy without some form of morning sickness altogether, while some women find the nausea or vomiting synonymous with the morning strikes in the afternoon or evening.

But while the world sits back and waits for her belly to swell,  According to the NIH, the condition causes moms-to-be to experience extreme and persistent nausea and vomiting that often leads to dehydration. Excessive vomiting can also be problematic during a pregnancy because it can impede proper weight gain.

One of the tell-tale signs that a pregnant woman is suffering from the condition is the severity of the vomiting. Here’s how to tell the difference between morning sickness and hyperemesis gravidarum:

Morning Sickness                                                   Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Nausea sometimes accompanied by vomiting       Nausea accompanied by severe vomiting

Nausea that subsides at 12 weeks or soon after Nausea that does not subside

Vomiting that does not cause severe dehydration Vomiting that causes severe dehydration

Vomiting that allows you to keep some food down   Vomiting that does not allow keeping any food down

Because the condition is so taxing to the body, women may also experience low blood pressure and/or a racing pulse, lightheadedness and/or fainting, and weight loss due the inability to keep down any food.

Extreme morning sickness can happen to any woman, regardless of her age, weight, or lifestyle.

a doctor may prescribe medicine to prevent nausea where vomiting is persistent.

“The most important treatments are hydration, medications that will stop the vomiting, and monitoring of vitamin levels to ensure that the depletion does not become severe to the mother or the fetus. In very severe cases, the patient is fed through an IV,” says Carmella Sebastian, MD, the Medical Director Lead for the Wellness Program, Better You From Blue in Tampa, Florida

Update- Our Lady appear in SDMC

The image of our lady appear in the window panel in Sime Darby Medical Centre is now kept/placed in Our Lady of Lourdes Church Klang, Malaysia. The image was taken down by the professional removers on 20/11/2012. 

The image of Our Blessed Mother Mary and the image of Scared Heart/Divine Mercy seen in the chapel of Our Lady Lourdes Klang Malaysia.

Seen the above is the video of the removal window panel of the blessed Virgin Mary.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Follow up - of Our Lady in SDMC

Monday 12 November 2012

Virgin Mary 'appears in windows'

HUNDREDS of Catholics have gathered at a Malaysian hospital after seeing an image said to resemble the Virgin Mary.

Pictures of the image have gone viral among local Christians on Facebook and large crowds have gathered at the Sime Darby Medical Centre just outside Kuala Lumpur.
Those assembled overnight maintained they can now also see an image of an adult Jesus Christ just two windows away from his mother.

Nearly 100 Catholics were still at the hospital overnight, lighting candles, singing hymns and saying prayers. Several tourist buses added to the congestion.

Some have come from as far as Singapore, over 300 kilometres away, to see the image on a seventh-floor window which they describe as a miracle.

"We believe Mary, mother of God, has a message for us, as she is looking down on us and then at a Malaysian flag. We can also see Jesus and he is also moving, they are not static," Eunice Fernandez, who lives nearby, said.

The 54-year-old housewife dismissed claims the image could be a hoax.

Sime Darby, which is primarily a plantations conglomerate, could not immediately be reached for comment.
Father Lawrence Andrew, editor of Malaysian Catholic newsletter The Herald, said the church would need to investigate and verify the authenticity of the images and "the experiences of the witnesses".

"It could be private revelations. We have to make sure they are not imagined but real apparitions," he said.
Catholics make up a sizeable minority in Muslim-dominated Malaysia.

Catholics Told To Remain Calm Over 'Virgin Mary' Sighting

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Hundreds of Catholics have gathered in prayer and worship outside a Malaysian hospital after seeing an image said to resemble the Virgin Mary on one of the windows.

Pictures of the image have gone viral among local Christians on Facebook and large crowds have gathered at the Sime Darby Medical Centre just outside Kuala Lumpur.

Those assembled Sunday maintained they can now also see an image of an adult Jesus Christ just two windows away from His mother.

Nearly 100 Catholics were still at the hospital Sunday, lighting candles, singing hymns and saying prayers. Several tourist buses added to the congestion.

Some have come from as far as Singapore, over 300 kilometers (187 miles) away, to see the image on a seventh-floor window, which they describe as a miracle.

"We believe Mary, mother of God, has a message for us, as she is looking down on us and then at a Malaysian flag. We can also see Jesus and He is also moving, they are not static," Eunice Fernandez, who lives nearby, told AFP.

The 54-year-old housewife dismissed claims the image could be a hoax.

Sime Darby, which is primarily a plantations conglomerate, could not immediately be reached for comment.

Father Lawrence Andrew, editor of Malaysian Catholic newsletter The Herald, told AFP the Church would need to investigate and verify the authenticity of the images and "the experiences of the witnesses."

"It could be private revelations. We have to make sure they are not imagined but real apparitions," he said.

Catholics make up a sizeable minority in Muslim-dominated Malaysia.

Virgin Mary' draws hundreds of Malaysian Catholics

SUBANG JAYA: Bishop Emeritus Anthony Selvanayagam yesterday called on Catholics not to be overly anxious following the sighting of what was claimed to be an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Sime Darby Medical Centre (SDMC).

The retired bishop of the diocese of Penang said Catholics should not be worked up until the Church comes out with an official statement.

"Let us be peaceful and not get carried away by such incidents," he said, referring to the image of what many Catholics believe to be that of Mother Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.

Selvanayagan said such cases need to be proven beyond doubt for the church.

"The church does not blindly accept such claims without first conducting an investigation on what was sighted," he said.

Selvanayagam said such sightings have been claimed many times before, most of which were unfounded individual claims.

"The church will not jump onto the bandwagon and endorse such cases without first verifying its authenticity. The Catholic Church is not so naive to just follow what is claimed," he said.

To the many fears and worries that have been making waves through the Catholic community of impending disasters that follow such apparitions, Selvanayagam said this should be taken as an opportunity to pray for the well-being of the world and serve as a reminder to lead a good life.

"God is not cruel to bring a disaster like that on everyone," he said.

Selvanayagam said there have been no other known apparition of Mother Mary in Malaysia.

"There had been many rumours of such apparitions but none had been proven," he said.

The image had drawn large crowds to the hospital since Friday afternoon.

A hospital staff said the image was discovered by a cleaner, who claimed it could not be wiped away.

The staff also said the image could only be seen from outside the window.

Matthew Peter, 49, trainer from Petaling Jaya, said he believed it is truly Mother Mary who had come with a message to draw people closer to God.

The apparition was on the glass window of the seventh floor of the outpatient centre, North Tower.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Tips on removing black spots on your face....

  • Make a paste with mehndi and oil and apply on the face
  • Make a mixture of 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and glycerin and apply it on the spots
  • Apply the paste of turmeric and curry leaves on the face and wash it after 15 minutes.
  • Apply a mixture of mehndi and turmeric. For a piece of turmeric, 2-3 leaves of mehndi are used
  • Grind dried basil leaf, neem and mint (100 gm each). Add some turmeric powder and rose water to make it in a paste form and apply it on the spots.
  • Grind betel leaf and add a little coconut oil and apply it on the spots
  • Soak a chappathi in milk overnight . Make it into a paste and apply it on black heads. Repeat for several days
  • Make a paste of saffron and add some honey , apply it on the face to remove black spots.
  • To remove black spots… apply a paste of turmeric and basil.
  • To remove wrinkles on the face, apply a mixture of sandalwood powder, rosewater and glycerin. Wash with cold water after some time

Monday 4 June 2012

6 ways to loosen the grip of work stress

Many of us experience trying days on the job. From projects that force us to labor into the wee hours to recurring arguments with co-workers, work stress surfaces in our lives now and then.
The good news is that relief from your pressure-filled workday might be more attainable than you think. Here are six ways to alleviate job stress:

Treat yourself.

Finally put that huge budgeting project to bed? Why not dine out? Check out a movie at the local cinema, or maybe spring for an hour-long massage at that spa you've always wanted to try. Not looking to spend much money? Treating yourself to an ice cream cone or picking up the latest novel from your favorite author might also do the trick.

Call a loved one.

Everyone tackles stress differently, says Brandan DuChateau, executive director for the National Wellness Institute. Some prefer to sort through their problems alone, while others depend on the help of friends and family members. The latter can prove beneficial in the long run, DuChateau says. "The research shows that social wellness is very important. So, even if you don't want to recoup with a group, it's important to have that group so when you are recouped, you can have fun with them so you have that social network," she says. "That group is so essential to people's overall happiness." Try bouncing a concern or two off of a good friend or acquaintance. It just might be your job-stress cure-all.


Yoga, Tai chi, or even a 15-minute walk can help ease your mind. Meryl Rosenthal, chief executive officer and co-founder of the agile work solutions company FlexPaths, says exercise plays a crucial role in relieving work stress. "It's hugely important to be able to exercise and clear your mind and take care of yourself," says Rosenthal. "All those health issues help people be more engaged at work and help them be more patient in managing people."

 Go to sleep earlier.

Try heading to bed before midnight. This simple move gives you sufficient time to recuperate from the day's frustrations and rejuvenate your strength for what lies ahead

Set boundaries.

When the clock strikes 5 p.m., leave heavy workloads and frustrations with co-workers behind at the office. Setting boundaries between work and family time can significantly reduce stress. "I call it work-life integration, because really there is no balance," Rosenthal says. "It's really the integration of both and how you navigate them." She also suggests keeping a calendar to help organize your life better, lessening scheduling conflicts and reducing worry.

 Organize a post-work seminar.

If you're experiencing stress on the job, chances are, you're not alone. Companies that allocate time and space for their employees to discuss conflicts and concerns in a group setting foster a psychologically sound workforce, DuChateau says. "We actually see an enormous growth in the number of businesses recognizing that the health and well being of their employees is essential to the productivity of their company," she says. As a result, many companies are now hosting in-house stress-reduction seminars and workshops, because "they recognize that a stressed person is going to be a less-productive person," DuChateau explains. DuChateau also encourages employees to initiate lunch-and-learn sessions about ways to positively reduce job 

Venus transit may boost hunt for other worlds

Astronomers around the world will be using advanced telescopes to watch Venus cross in front of the Sun on June 5 and 6 in the hopes of finding clues in the hunt for other planets where life may exist.
By studying the atmosphere of a well-known planet in this once-in-a-lifetime event, scientists say they will learn more about how to decipher the atmospheres of planets outside our solar system as they cross in front of their own stars.
"There are many, many of these events that are observed for distant stars. The thing is that stars are just points of light because we are so far away, so you can't actually see what is going on," Alan MacRobert, astronomer and editor of Sky and Telescope magazine, told AFP.
However the transit of Venus, an event that will not happen again for another 105 years, or until 2117, offers a chance to practice decoding the atmosphere of a planet based on the impression it leaves on its star's light.
"The idea is some of that starlight skims through the atmosphere of the planet and the atmosphere leaves its imprint on that tiny, tiny little bit of a star's light," MacRobert said.
"If you can separate that from the rest of the star's light -- analyzing the light before, during and after the transit and looking for the difference -- you can actually tell something about the planet's atmosphere," he added.
"And this is absolutely at the cutting edge of present day technology."
The beginning of the transit will be visible in North America, Central America and the northern part of South America on the evening of June 5, as long as the skies stay clear. The end will not be seen in these regions due to sunset.
All of the transit will be visible in East Asia and the Western Pacific.
Europe, the Middle East and South Asia will get to see the end stages of the eclipse as they go into sunrise on June 6.
However, due to the risk of blindness or painful, permanent eye damage, people should not look directly at the Sun without a proper solar filter to try and observe the tiny black dot crossing its surface.
Global astronomers are keenly searching the universe for hints of a rocky planet like Earth in the Goldilocks zone -- not too hot and not too cold -- with the right atmosphere and the existence of water to support life.
Experts believe the galaxy is teeming with billions of rocky planets that might be able to support life. Most have not yet been discovered by Earthlings, and are located so far away that they would be impossible to reach with modern technology.
The latest catalog released by NASA's Kepler space telescope team in March showed a total of 2,321 planet candidates transiting 1,790 stars.
Ten of the 46 planet candidates found in the habitable zone where liquid water could exist are close to the size of Earth, according to NASA. But in most cases, scientists lack details about these planets' atmospheres.
Even though Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is far too hot to be habitable and has a dense, C02 thick atmosphere, watching it transit the Sun is a valuable exercise for science.
"The fact that Venus is not in a habitable zone does not really matter," said Rick Feinberg of the American Astronomical Society.
"It gives us an opportunity to study in very great detail something we are observing very much further away and gives us more confidence in our ability to interpret the signals we are getting."
Feinberg added that the best times for scientists to watch the transit are the first and last 20 minutes, when sunlight filters through the Venus's atmosphere as it forms a fine shell around the planet.
The US National Solar Observatory in Tucson, Arizona, will use telescopes in Arizona, New Mexico, California, Hawaii, Australia and India to monitor the transit and collect data.
"This one will help us calibrate in several different instruments, and hunt for extrasolar planets with atmospheres," said Frank Hill, director of the NSO's Integrated Synoptic Program.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, astronomers used transits to measure the distance of the Earth to the Sun, he added.
"We have that number nailed down now, but transits are still useful."

Find out if he’s great in bed – without tearing his clothes off!

You’ve locked eyes across the bar, he seems great, but how can you tell if he’s all talk and no action?
Look out for these indicators to find out whether you will be left satisfied...
Go out for dinner – If he scours the menu and chooses the most boring dish on it, you may be in for a dull night in the bedroom. Food is one of life’s pleasures so a man who loves to eat will probably love to have wild sex too. If he’s willing to be adventurous or picks something he’s never tried before, chances are he’ll bring the same spirit to his sex life.
Really listen – If he speaks in a monotone voice and hardly ever changes his facial expression you may not be in for an exciting night of sex. Men who move their arms, hands and face when they talk are more excitable and enthusiastic making them more likely to wow you in the bedroom.
Look him in the eye – If he doesn’t want to look you in the eye, or looks away nervously every time, he’s either really shy or hiding something. But if he staring at you so much it’s making you uncomfortable, he could be too intense or self-assured. The perfect gentlemen should hold your gaze for a couple of seconds at a time – showing he’s interested and respectful.
Hit the dance floor – Dancing requires rhythm, variety, timing and energy and so does sex! Look out for men who can keep up with the music and don’t take themselves too seriously. Any man who’s parading around with his shirt off doing a replica of Michael Jackson’s Thriller is probably cocky and slightly selfish in the bedroom.
Ask to meet his friends – His friends have probably taught him everything he knows about sex, so find out what they’re like. If his mates are warm, sociable and funny, chances are you man will have the same qualities. If he greets his friends with firm handshakes and full-body hugs it shows he’s not afraid of intimacy. The more comfortable he is with expressing affection, the more loving and attentive he will be in the bedroom.
Look at what seat he chooses – If he chooses the seat opposite you facing a wall he can’t be distracted by people watching – meaning he only has eyes for you! The more he focuses on you, the more he will be able to concentrate on pleasuring you during sex. A man who decides to sit in prime view of the bar may be looking for something or someone else.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

8 Free Ways to Save on Petrol

1. Don’t Rev the Engine

In America, drivers like to do this to “warm up the engine” during winter. In Singapore, Ah Bengs like to do this because it’s the whole point of buying an Impreza. But it’s simple logic: revving the engine is burning petrol, without actually moving anywhere. It also wears the engine out.

Car with giant engine

You've heard of a chick magnet? Well this one's a cop magnet.

2. Don’t Leave it Idling

“At a traffic light there’s no choice,” Mr. Ong says, “but we tell our drivers not to leave the engine idling when they stop. They have to turn it off.”
The next time you’re stopping at a convenience store, and there’s a passenger in your car, wind down the window and turn off the engine instead. Besides burning fuel, idling means the water pump isn’t spinning at its most efficient speed. That will leave “hot spots” in your engine, which can cause mechanical failures.

3. Speed Control

I asked about speed control, which experts consider the biggest impact on fuel efficiency. Speed control means driving slowly to conserve fuel, yes? Apparently not:
“Every vehicle has an optimum speed. Going over the optimum speed burns more fuel, and going under it also burns more fuel.”
Mr. Ong explained that regardless of how slow you drive, a minimum amount of fuel is required to move the pistons and cylinders. Going slower can mean burning less fuel, but there’s an absolute minimum that’s consumed. Between travelling at 10 km/h and 12 km/h for example, you’d burn about the same amount. That makes travelling at 12 km/h (faster) more efficient, since it covers more distance with about the same amount of fuel.

Car fully covered with anti-speeding slogan

Yes, great community spirit and message. Now please back off the pedestrian under your car.

The “sweet spot” for most vehicles is between 80 – 90 km/h, but this varies based on the vehicle.

4. Avoid Starts and Stops

“We train our drivers to time the (traffic) lights,” Mr. Ong says, “because the process of accelerating, of going from stationary to mobile, burns a lot of fuel. To avoid starts and stops, we train our drivers to vary their speed based on the upcoming lights. The idea is to travel through as many lights as possible, legally, without stopping.”
Come on. How many lights can you possibly avoid by…
“Some of our drivers can go through seven or more lights without stopping.”
“New drivers usually get caught at the third or fifth light,” Mr. Ong says, “but with practice they usually get better.”
I asked for a beginner’s guideline:
“When approaching a light, don’t run the engine at maximum torque,” Mr. Ong says, “you might be stopping anyway. You also have to time when to start slowing down. If it’s red, slow down a good distance before you get there, so it’s green when you reach. It takes practice but if you keep doing it you’ll get better.”

Red light

If you're rich and own a Ferrari, that means "Go, and go really fast."

5. Don’t Jack-Rabbit

Jack-rabbiting should be avoided at all costs. It involves overtaking whenever possible, and switching lanes repeatedly to get 
 ahead. Jack-rabbiting guzzles petrol faster than a Top Gear episode, and is the preferred way to get a tire iron in the face. Mr. Ong adds that:
“If you jack-rabbit and you hit the red light, you have to stop anyway. It makes no difference, you won’t get there faster. And you’re wasting fuel: every time your vehicle has to accelerate, it’s burning more fuel than when it’s cruising.”

Expensive sports car

Sir, get out of the car. We're going to beat you up for jack-rabbiting…in advance.

6. Maintain Your Engine and Tyres

Preventative maintenance can cut petrol costs by as much as 30 percent, over a year. According to Mr. Ong, one of the biggest impacts comes from the tyres:
“Running on low pressure tyres burns more fuel. When the tyre pressure is too low, the tyre will bite into the ground. This creates traction; the more traction you have, the more petrol you burn. You can check the PSI, or sometimes you can see that the tyre wall is visibly bulging.”
Keeping the engine in good condition is vital. Leaking engines, or engines with worn cylinders, need to work twice as hard to generate the same amount of power. That translates to burning more fuel.

7. Monitor Your Fuel Efficiency

Some cars (like Mercedes models) have built in fuel efficiency meters. Scroll through the menu on your dashboard, you may have one. Otherwise, you can do it manually:
  1. Get a full tank (do this when you next refuel).
  2. Make a note of the odometer reading.
  3. Use your car as usual. The next time you need to refuel, check the new odometer reading.
  4. Deduct the new odometer reading from the previous; that’s the distance you’ve travelled.
  5. Check the amount of petrol you need to buy. This is also the amount of petrol you’ve used up.
  6. Your average fuel consumption is (distance travelled) / (petrol used)

Stuffing money in the gas tank

Our new model accepts 7 kinds of currency, or you can feed dead sea life directly into it.

Mr. Ong mentions that:
“Fuel efficiency varies based on the age, model, and make of the vehicle; but a good fuel efficient factor is 12 or 13 kilometres per litre. This is a standard for our drivers, but most car owners are around the 10 kilometres per litre mark. If it’s less than 10, it’s guzzling fuel.”

8. Go Manual, and Don’t Skip First Gear

I opened the age old question of manual vs. automatic. Mr Ong’s opinion was:
“Manual control can potentially use less fuel than an automatic; with manual a driver has more control over the acceleration. But it depends on the driver’s proficiency. An unskilled driver might end up burning more fuel, especially if they’re always playing with the brakes and clutch.
One thing a lot of van drivers do is to skip first gear. They go straight into second, because they don’t like the grinding sound. But second gear hasn’t got the same kind of power; the acceleration will burn more fuel.”

Gearstick with numbers

For you Ryan, those numbers match the number of people you'll potentially kill at that speed.


Monitoring fuel efficiency seems like it would be a real pain. So it’s a good thing I have a Merc on hand (go Mercedes!) The other methods are simple and straightforward, and they cost nothing. Make them a habit, and pretty soon slippery oil execs will be bribing me to shut up.

5 qualities that men look for in women

Female quality 1: She has a life of her own

Say ‘cheerio’ to the helpless heroine from classic literature, and ‘well, hello!’ to the contemporary independent woman. It’s important to show that you’re self-sufficient when you’re trying to impress a man, and it’s equally as important to maintain this when you’re in a relationship. The average modern man doesn’t want a lady to be clinging onto him all the time – it makes him feel suffocated. Rather than ditching your friends and family to spend time with a new love interest, make sure you keep separate plans in your diary at all times. Never feel as though you wouldn’t have a life if this person wasn’t in it; get out there and show that you have a vibrant lifestyle aside from him. A relationship should enhance your life, not rule it.

Female quality 2: She is honest and loyal

Be honest with your love interest. If you tell them that a) you’re married and going through a particularly difficult divorce; b) you have a strange obsession with feet; or c) anything else that could potentially make them run for the hills, then you’ve done the right thing. Okay, maybe hold back on option b for now, but you see what we’re getting at. Anything that they may find out further down the line and could put them off should be made clear from the outset, or you risk wasting the time of you both. Don’t sugar-coat anything – if this man likes you enough, he will want to help you through difficult situations rather than leaving you to it. If either you or your love interest can’t accept the truth about one another’s past or present lives, you shouldn’t think about getting together because you won’t be able to look to the future.

Female quality 3: She looks after herself

This is one thing that hasn’t changed since the days of our most distant ancestors; men like a woman who takes a pride in her appearance and vice versa. We’re not talking about being a tall, slim supermodel – it’s not all about looks – but a little primping and preening here and there goes a long way. There’s no need to dress up in a ball gown and tiara for a date, but do wear something that accentuates your fantastic figure. Wear makeup to highlight your natural features; style your hair to compliment your face; and spritz on your favourite scent to boost your confidence – hello gorgeous! Styling yourself to make you feel your best leads to a more confident you and that’s another trait that men look for in women.

Female quality 4: She is self-confident

Gone are the days when the timid damsel in distress attracted the handsome, strong man; nowadays, being needy attracts little more than a few raised eyebrows. Despite coming across as confident, rarely do the celebrities you see in the media feel as bold and confident as they look. It’s all about faking it. Instead of zoning in on your weaknesses, develop and maximise your strengths to put you in the right frame of mind. Make sure you use your body language to your advantage, as this can help you to fake confidence when really you might prefer it if the ground were to swallow you up. Stand tall, make eye contact, and smile, for an instantly more confident you.
couple on beachcouple on beach

Female quality 5: She is mature and well-spoken

Baby talk can be cute but don’t use it too often, sugar bunny. Your average modern man likes his woman to be able to hold down an intellectual conversation as well as having a good sense of humour, and cutie-overload could put him off. Talk about interesting topics and be sure to listen to him as well as inputting your own thoughts and ideas into the conversation. Hold back on slang words for your first few dates and avoid swear words too, as they come across as uncouth.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a modern man looks for different qualities in a woman than he may have done in the 1800s and – whilst no man is ever the same and may look for different qualities in a woman – it’s a good idea to take these tips on board to boost your dating potential. 

5 healthy snacks to help you lose weight

Do you know that snacking can help you to control or even lose weight? Eating snacks helps to keep your stomach full and thus prevents you from overeating during mealtimes. Snacking also boosts your energy level and makes you feel more alert and energetic throughout the day.
I am not referring to snacks like potato chips, rojak, curry puffs, french fries, cakes, doughnuts, or anything that is high in calories, oily and unhealthy. Listed below are five snacks you can incorporate into your diet if you are intending to eat healthily or trying to shed some pounds.
1. Yoghurt
Plain yoghurt, which does not contain artificial flavoring and has a low sugar level, is the healthiest option. However, if you think that plain yoghurt tastes too boring, you can add in natural fruits. It can be any fruits you like: berries, such as strawberry, blueberry, and cranberry, are the more popular options. Among them, blueberry is the top choice among dieters because, not only does it taste good, but it also has a low glycemic index, meaning it will help balance your blood sugar and insulin levels. Blueberries are also extremely good sources of antioxidants, which are healthy for your heart and longevity.
If having to add fruits to plain yoghurt is too time-consuming and troublesome, you can also get yoghurt with added natural fruit bits off the shelves. Just make sure to read the label because many of these yoghurts contain a large amount of added sugar. Try to pick yoghurts that are low in fat and contain only natural flavors and ingredients.
2. Vegetables
Vegetables are another healthy snack to go for. Most vegetables are good sources of fiber, which is important for digesting and processing food. Fiber may also help lower your blood cholesterol levels. Furthermore, eating food that is high in fiber makes you feel full, which in turn helps to control the amount of food you eat during mealtimes.
Veggie sticks, such as carrot and celery, are a convenient option as they do not require much preparation and can be brought to work or school without hassle. If you think that veggie sticks are too bland, you can dip them into low fat cottage cheese.
Another way you can eat vegetables as a snack is to cut them into bite sized pieces and freeze them. Alternatively, you can also choose small vegetables that do not require any cutting such as peas and corn. Just like eating ice-cream, frozen vegetables dissolve gradually and leave a lingering sweetness in your mouth.
3. Nuts
Another healthy snack is nuts, which are rich in protein, fiber and antioxidants. As they often come in convenient packaging, you can carry them around and have them anytime and anywhere. Nuts are also excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to one's body. These fatty acids help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, boost one's brain performance, decrease blood cholesterol and blood pressure, and help to maintain one's weight.
There are a great variety of nuts in the market for you to choose from and some of the options are: walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, and macadamia nuts. Try to choose ones that are unsalted.
Of course, you can also make nut-snacking more interesting by combining them with other healthy snacks, such as adding them into yoghurt. Despite their health benefits, it is advisable not to eat too many nuts at one go because they are relatively high in calories.
4. Soy Chips
If you are a potato chip lover, trying to eat healthily or lose weight does not mean that you have to stop crunching on chips. A healthier alternative to potato chips is soy chips, which are high in fiber and proteins, and low in fats. Research also reveals that soy protein, as found in soy chips, may be very helpful in losing weight and may also help ensure that the weight you are losing is from your fats and not your muscles.
5. Fruits
Fruits which have high vitamin and mineral content are great to snack on. Apart from "keeping the doctor away", a Brazilian research study in 2003 found that eating three apples per day can keep one's weight down.
Fruits can be eaten as they are, or be incorporated into other healthy snacks, such as mixing them with vegetables and creating a salad, or mixing them with walnuts and maple syrup. Alternatively, you can also freeze fruits and turn them into frozen fruit bars: they taste just as good as ice-pops but are so much healthier.
Now, who says that the road to a healthier diet has to be tediously bland? The healthy snacks above can be eaten as they are, or mixed and matched to create endless tasty combinations.
There are many options out there — the most important thing is to be creative, have fun and create something healthy that suits your taste buds. Dieting does not mean quitting eating; it simply means eating the right thing.
On your next trip to the grocery store, remember to make healthy choices! Do you have a favorite healthy snack? 

Share it with me in the comments below!

Sunday 27 May 2012

How To Know If Someone is Lying

Many of us are good at decoding when being lied to while some of us struggle to identify liars. Thus, it makes sense in knowing a bit about how to decipher if somebody is lying. The following tips will help you identify a liar:

Get Started with Reading the Liar’s Body Language
It was once stated in a Quentin Tarantino movie that people who have served time in prison have a typical way of walking, as if they are carrying a few bricks on their shoulder. Such typical, body language traits are present in liars too.
Many liars try not able to face their audience with an open stance. Their palms might be folded tight and they might be a bit fidgety. A tightly clinched fist or slight blushing on the face or around the ears too is reflective of a lie.
However, the more seasoned liars can easily hide such traits. These liars can be found out by reading more into their face rather than their body. Some of the most experienced liars too tend to develop typical facial mannerisms when lying. This includes increased creasing in their forehead or a nervous smile before answering questions.
Some liars tend to place their hands very firmly on the chair or table as if they are holding on to these objects to save their lives. This is essentially a way of de-stressing the body that is reacting to the growing anxiety within them.

Catching Liars by Noticing their Eyes
Those who are good at grasping the eye language have a much better chance of find out if they are being lied to. Apart from the seasoned crooks, most liars cannot hold their glare straight towards a person. They tend to look around or divert their range of vision, desperately hoping that their nervousness will not be revealed. The most unskilled of liars have a tendency to look downwards when lying. Their eyes tend to wander about. This is caused by their guilt that makes it difficult for them to maintain eye contact.

Lookout for Inconsistencies to Identify Liars
Even the more experienced liars can commit the mistake of not remembering the story they had spun to hide the facts. This is something you can use to your advantage. Just try to remember the things the person you suspect of lying is saying. After a few minutes, question about the smallest of details that the liar had mentioned. If the person isn't an expert liar, he is bound to make mistakes in answering the question. This is the easiest way to find out if you have been lied to.

Liars are Prone to Getting Anxious
Most folks suffer from some form of anxiety when lying. You can use this to find out if somebody is lying. All you need to do is watch-out for the typical signs that suggest an increased degree of nervousness. Typical traits of a person getting anxious when lying include sweating excessively, talking too fast, getting fidgety with the legs or arms or stammering. For instance, a person lying to you might repeatedly change his seated position, as if the chair or sofa is making him feel very uncomfortable.

Catch Liars by Identifying Superficial Talk
Most liars are prone to avoiding the subject which they fear will expose their act. This can be easily identified. You need to notice if a particular topic is making a person uncomfortable. The person you suspect of lying might continuously try to change the subject or ignore it with a nervous laugh. These are tell-tale signs of a liar.
Many liars create another kind of trace when communicating, i.e. they are not very assertive. You might find the suspected person giving very short or vague answers. This kind of superficial talk lacks any degree of surety. This is a major indicator that the person isn't sure what he is talking about, i.e. he is either lying or trying to cover-up the facts